Item: 11474 Category:

One used bundler that is manufactured by ZEPF. This unit is a model SA-27DL that was manufactured in 1999. This unit comes with an infeed conveyor that goes into a right angle dual lane infeed with a 27 inch wide seal bar. This unit comes with an integrated shrink tunnel and has a cooling fan on the discharge side. This unit is manufactured of all stainless steel and has Lexan guards on casters for portability. The unit has Allen Bradley SLC 5/04 PLC controls with a quick panel Jr. Display. The unit is approx. 10 feet overall length and was just removed from service.

GPI Equipment sells pre owned, used and new pharmaceutical, manufacturing, industrial and commercial processing and packaging equipment. We are buyers and sellers of Kapsall Cappers, Cremer Tablet and Capsule Counting machines, Deitz Desiccant and cotton inserters. Used processing equipment: Kikusui, Fette, Bosch, IMA Tablet Presses and Colette, Patterson Kelly, Hobart, Gemco, Munson, Ross, Twin Shell Ribbon Continuous Mixers and Blenders. We have over 35 years of experience building positive networks and relationships throughout the pharmaceutical and manufacturing industries.
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